Saturday, May 14, 2011

Character Bios

This is late... sorry. But Blogger was down on Thursday and Friday was CRAZY. So here it is now.
Character bios, I love these things. I also like hyphens.

1. Name: Lorelei Winters
2. Age: 24
3. Height: 5’6
4. Eye color: Brunette
5. Physical appearance: Hair the epitome of brunette and eyes a clear, untarnished aqua blue. She has a plain face that takes make-up well. She always looks extremely put together and in control of herself.
6. Strange or unique physical attributes: a birthmark that looks like a lightning bolt on her shoulder.
7. Hobbies/interests: Loves to knit, loves yoga, and making banana smoothies after class.
8. Where does he or she live? What is it like there? Seattle, Washington. She lives in a tiny apartment just off the campus of UW where she’s studying orthodontia.
9. Special skills/abilities: Immaculate at applying make-up, showing sympathy, and Mario Kart.
10. Family: Socially inept father, mother left when she was eleven, right after having her younger brother Derrick.
11. Description of his or her house: Her apartment’s not much more than a sitting room, bedroom/bathroom, and kitchenette. She’s tried to decorate it in her favorite color combination (black, white, and teal) but she can’t do too much with her measly income working at the desk of a local physical therapist’s office.
12. Description of his or her bedroom: Her bedspread is white with decorations of black flowers and teal birds. The walls are white, the carpet is slightly coloring from age but was at one point, white. Pictures of Derrick, her father, and some friends are framed on the walls. She has a small desk and a small window that looks out onto the street. It’s so meticulously organized it hints at OCD.
13. Favorite bands/songs/type of music: She loves R&B and jazz. Singers like Aretha, Whitney Houston, and Billie Holiday
14. Favorite movies: She likes artistic films and frequents film festivals often.
15. Favorite TV shows: She never watched TV much growing up and at present doesn’t even own one.
16. Favorite books: Classics like Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, and East of Eden
17. Favorite foods: She adores Mexican food as well as shrimp cocktail.
18. Favorite sports/sports teams: She doesn’t follow any teams except for her brother’s lacrosse team.
19. Any interesting philosophies on life? Still figuring that out.
20. Physical health: Very good. She makes it a priority to stay in good shape even though her workload is enormous.
21. Pet peeves: Tardiness, roadkill, bitemarks on pencils, crying babies.

1. Name: Rosa Clare Reynolds
2. Age: 18
3. Height: 5’9
4. Eye color: Honey blonde
5. Physical appearance: Extremely pretty in the interesting, can’t-put-your-finger-on-it, model-esque sort of way. Tall, thin, but looks like she could hold her own in a fight.
6. Strange or unique physical attributes: Almond-shaped, brown eyes and full, red mouth.
7. Hobbies/interests: Debate, student council, basketball, art.
8. Where does he or she live? What is it like there? Flagstaff, Arizona. It’s hot and dry, but she loves it.
9. Special skills/abilities: She’s extremely talented at art, has an ear for the piano, an amazing conversationalist
10. Family: Two loving parents, one older sister named Hazel in college and an enormous extended family.
11. Description of his or her house: A-style two story. Medium sized with all the walls painted in bright, fresh colors.
12. Description of his or her bedroom: Wide with a sloping ceiling. Painted white with a spring green outline and a large window opposite the door that looks out onto the backyard. Neat, but not too tidy.
13. Favorite bands/songs/type of music: She loves both alternative rock and Spanish music.
14. Favorite movies: Romantic comedies like 27 Dresses or There’s Something About Mary.
15. Favorite TV shows: She likes all the popular ones: Glee, American Idol, America’s Next Top Model.
16. Favorite books: The Harry Potter books.
17. Favorite foods: Sushi.
18. Favorite sports/sports teams: The Suns
19. Any interesting philosophies on life? Have fun, but not too much. Be crazy, but be careful.
20. Physical health: Commendable.
21. Pet peeves: Country music and paper cuts.

1. Name: Rebecca ‘Becky’ Beverly Wilks
2. Age: 17
3. Height: 5’5
4. Eye color: Dirty blond
5. Physical appearance: Exceptionally thin, navy eyes, bumped nose, mediocre face.
6. Strange or unique physical attributes: Tiny ears
7. Hobbies/interests: Likes to make bracelets out of string and read paranormal fiction.
8. Where does he or she live? What is it like there? She lives in Flagstaff.
9. Special skills/abilities: Can list off the first one hundred digits of pi and do a backbend.
10. Family: Exceptionally rich father and high class mother. Two older brothers, Aaron and Patrick and one younger sister, Julia.
11. Description of his or her house: An enormous, modern-style house in Flagstaff’s gated community.
12. Description of his or her bedroom: Large and spacious with mahogany and dark metal furniture. Red bedding and curtains. White, shag carpet and a walk-in closet.
13. Favorite bands/songs/type of music: She doesn’t listen to much music, but pop is her go-to.
14. Favorite movies: Dear John, Elf, Charlie St. Cloud
15. Favorite TV shows: Gilmore Girls and nothing else.
16. Favorite books: Anything paranormal YA.
17. Favorite foods: Spaghetti or salmon.
18. Favorite sports/sports teams: Couldn’t care less.
19. Any interesting philosophies on life? No.
20. Physical health: Could be better.
21. Pet peeves: Girls that think they know it all, wishing on stars, people who dog-ear library books.
1. Name: Eli Fuller
2. Age: 18
3. Height: 6’1
4. Eye color: Black
5. Physical appearance: Racially ambiguous. Freckled. Tall. Curly, black hair and a strong jaw.
6. Strange or unique physical attributes: His freckles.
7. Hobbies/interests: Football, building, and hiking.
8. Where does he or she live? Flagstaff.
9. Special skills/abilities: He’s really good at dancing but would never admit it.
10. Family: He has older parents and an adopted younger sister named Sarah.
11. Description of his or her house: Just an average, red-brick one story out in suburbia.
12. Description of his or her bedroom: Small and cramped with all his furniture. Painted blue jean blue. Beatles posters and album covers hung all over the walls.
13. Favorite bands/songs/type of music: The Beatles. He idolizes them.
14. Favorite movies: Across the Universe.
15. Favorite TV shows: He enjoys sports programs and Monday Night Football.
16. Favorite books: Not a big reader, but he secretly really liked Huck Finn when he was forced to read it for school.
17. Favorite foods: Pretzels, bagels, and steak.
18. Favorite sports/sports teams: Basketball and Football. The Suns and the Vikings.
19. Any interesting philosophies on life? Do what you want, or maybe not.
20. Physical health: Very fit, but not the most nutritionally nourished.
21. Pet peeves: Cats. Anything to do with them.

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