Thursday, August 11, 2011


You wrap me in your dawn
While I kick and scream
Into your phantasm.
I’m bewitched, sickeningly spellbound,
Apprehensively motioning for an off button
Yet caught into a downward spiral
Of a perfect thousand years in Arizona.
And how did you get there, huh?
Prettily, mechanically ensconced in lighting and leather jackets.
There’s a tsunami-sized
Tidal wave
Down my throat.
I can’t help the way it
Scatters my sanity among the
And boxes you into
Blue and green biospheres
Choking with a pressure
Zeus couldn’t handle.
But you can’t imagine
The cellular uproar
After Indiana smacked me in the
For once,
It was tactile.

I’m finally working on Crazy: Part Two, so it should be up shortly.

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