Tuesday, November 1, 2011

On NaNoWriMo.

So let me start off by saying that yes, I have been crap about posting lately. (Oh so eloquently put by the creative writing blogger)
I'm really trying to work on that. This is not a project that I'm going to abandon.
Well, sort of.
I'm writing this update post to inform all of you eager and avid readers of The Fight To Write that I will be participating in National Novel Writing Month for the entirety of November. As you might know, writing a novel is a rather time consuming activity and so I will be using all of my writing energy to focus on this particular project.
I probably won't post on a regular schedule, but maybe every so often I might publish snippets or quotes from my novel or some writing advice that I've found helpful just to let you all know that I'm still here and still writing.
Is anyone else out there doing NaNo as well?
If so, I salute you, a fellow comrade heading into a very unique sort of battle.
I've taken a different approach to my story this year, I hope it will all work out in the end.
Wish me luck.
-Jade Elizabeth.